
Friday, May 14, 2021

HostGator Web Hosting – Ultimate Review 2021


I have fond memories of using Hostgator to launch my first website. For several years, a solid and dependable web hosting service. When it came to loading speed, Hostgator Cloud came out on top in my ongoing tests. You'll get (280ms) lightning fast. Often works well for WordPress websites and blogs.

To find out if Hostgator is the right web host for you, read the rest of our comprehensive Hostgator review or click this link to get this great deal.

Hostgator is currently running a promotion on Shared Hosting.

For just $3 a month, you can get the ultimate web hosting kit.

All you'll need to get online is included in this package. A domain name, web hosting, and an infinite number of email addresses are all included for free.

Check out our new Hostgator Deals and Coupons or click through on our discount page to get this fantastic offer.

We receive a commission if you buy web hosting from Hostgator using the links on this page. This assists us in maintaining the site's functionality. Using our links comes at no additional cost to you.

Hostgator Review Quick Links

Why You Need A Quality Web Host Like Hostgator History of Hostgator Pros of Hostgator Cons of Hostgator Hostgator Hosting Packages – Shared Hosting – Cloud Hosting – WordPress Hosting – VPS Hosting – Dedicated Hosting Additional Forms Of Hosting – Reseller Hosting – Application Hosting – Windows Hosting Overall Features Security Features Additional Tools From Hostgator Premium Services From Hostgator Hostgator FAQs

HostGator was the platform on which my first website was created. To this day, I'm always packed with happy memories. You'll be hard-pressed to find a more solid and dependable host, particularly if you're just getting started on the internet. With a lightning-fast speed of 280 milliseconds, HostGator cloud hosting consistently outperforms the competition. It's an excellent host for those who want to create WordPress websites and blogs, even if the loading times are slow. Overall, HostGator is a flexible host that can accommodate a wide range of website owners. In this comprehensive HostGator analysis, we go through every aspect of HostGator's different hosting plans so you can determine whether it's the right host for you.

Why You Need a Quality Web Host Like HostGator

It is now easier than ever to create a website and publish it on the internet. Even so, there is a widespread belief that you must be a web designer or website creator. This is valid in some instances. For example, you may want to completely redesign your website from the ground up. You can, however, significantly simplify this process by selecting the right hosting provider. From website builders to one-click installs of famous CMS like WordPress, there's something for everyone.

But, in addition to speeding up the process of getting your site online, the right web host can ensure that your site is stable and loads quickly, among other things. Your choice of host will make or break your online performance. For example, if you use a low-quality host, your site will load slower, dealing with help will be a pain, and you will have low levels of reliability and be more vulnerable to hacking.

If you're a novice, this is your first website, you'll want to go with a host who knows what it's like to create a website from scratch. Despite the fact that Hostgator provides a wide range of hosting options, they only concentrate on beginners who are just getting started with the internet. HostGator is a web host that works with you, not against you, to achieve your website goals.

The History Of Hostgator

HostGator began as a small hosting company. Brent Oxley, a Florida Atlantic University student, created the organization in 2002. Since its inception, it has continued to expand year after year. Endurance International Group, which owns Bluehost and other hosting firms, bought HostGator in 2012. Its headquarters are in Houston, Texas, but it now has branches across the globe. It caters to a wide range of customers, from complete beginners to seasoned webmasters, and currently hosts over 9 million websites.

Since its founding, HostGator has experienced rapid expansion. This indicates that they're doing something good. Every year, one or two hosts will rise to prominence, only to fade away as quickly as they appeared. HostGator, on the other hand, has remained one of the most famous hosts since its inception. The fact that they have been able to stay successful and popular for so long speaks volumes about the standard of service they offer.

The Pros Of Hostgator

HostGator has a number of advantages. There's a reason it's one of the most popular hosts on the planet. Here are some of the most significant benefits of using HostGator web hosting:

Fast Server Speeds

Even on the most simple shared hosting plans, HostGator is lightning fast. They consistently rank at the top of the beginner web hosting success rankings. Of course, a large part of your website's speed can be determined by whether or not you follow website speed best practices. However, in order to get the most out of your platform, you'll need a host who can provide a high-performance base.

First Time User Discounts

If you're new to HostGator, you can get a hosting package for a very low price. We're talking about a cup of coffee here. Now, the average cost of hosting will rise over time, but ideally, by that time, the platform will be profitable enough that the increase will barely be noticeable.

Customer Support

HostGator offers telephone and online chat service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Although a telephonic support representative will almost immediately provide you with detailed instructions for any problem, online chat support is sluggish. Their tech help, on the other hand, knows what they're talking about and is very professional. They also have a customer service ticketing system. Video guides, help forums, and other forms of assistance are also available.

Multiple Support Channels

HostGator provides a variety of support options. For example, you'll have access to live chat, email, phone, and even social media help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. While response times aren't always fast, they'll always go above and beyond to help you fix any issues you may have.

Solid Server Uptime

HostGator guarantees 99.9% uptime right out of the gate. For the most part, most hosting companies follow this standard. However, you'll always want your host to have it. Any time the site is down, you're losing money and providing a bad user experience. They not only have consistent uptime, but they also back it up with a guarantee. If the site's uptime falls short of its 99.9% guarantee, you'll be paid appropriately.

Free Site Migration and Installs

If you're moving from another hosting service to HostGator, the process couldn't be easier. All you have to do is sign up for hosting, and their team will handle everything else. This is ideal for those who don't want to get their hands dirty with complicated site migration. If this is your first time using the app, you can also benefit from the numerous one-click installs available. Installing a CMS on your server is as simple as clicking a few buttons and entering your site's name. Even if you don't have any technical experience, these tools and services make it very simple to get your site up and running.

Nearly Unlimited Hosting

Another fantastic aspect of their hosting plans is that they are limitless. This means you'll have unrestricted storage space, unmetered bandwidth, and unrestricted databases. In addition, if you aren't using the most simple shared hosting kit, you can generate an unlimited number of email addresses and domain names on your account. Many hosts even sell unlimited packages, but this is usually more of a slogan than anything that is truly unlimited. In essence, your account will be limited. And when using HostGator.

Let's assume you're on a joint hosting plan and you're just running one or two websites. There's a very slim chance you'll run into some resource problems. HostGator clarifies that their unlimited hosting remains unlimited until you do one of the following:
  • Don't use cPanel to generate more than 100,000 files.
  • Check no more than 30 emails per hour, and don't send more than 500 emails per hour.
  • At no time can you run more than 25 cPanel processes at once.
  • For no longer than 90 seconds, don't use more than 25% of the server's CPU.
As you can see, reaching certain limits would require a significant amount of effort. The server CPU use is the only one you might run into. If you're dealing with a lot of traffic, this might be a problem.

The Cons Of Hostgator

HostGator has a number of advantages. There's a reason it's one of the most popular hosts on the planet. Here are some of the most significant benefits of using HostGator's web hosting service:

Inconsistent Speeds

Despite the fact that HostGator provides fairly fast speeds and consistent uptime, there have been instances of loading speeds varying. You will find that your site loads quickly at times, but that there is a lag at other times. This could happen for a number of reasons. However, some of the most popular are caused by other sites on the same shared server utilizing an excessive amount of site resources. Alternatively, your site could be experiencing a spike in traffic, causing it to load slowly. It may also be due to problems with your own site, such as not properly optimizing your photos or website.

Free Backup Limitations

Many of HostGator's hosting plans provide free backups as part of their feature set. These backups, on the other hand, aren't particularly useful. You'll have to do your own backups from your cPanel account if you want to back up your site. You'll have to pay more if you want fully automatic backups. These automatic backups are not without flaws, and only one week's worth of backups can be stored at any given time. But you're out of luck if you try to rebuild your site from an earlier edition. You'll want to use a third-party backup service if you're serious about backing up your site.

Delayed Online Chat Support

HostGator has a dependable and friendly customer service team. However, the wait times can often be excessive. This is particularly true in the case of live chat. Often you'll get an answer right away, and other times you'll have to wait a few minutes. This isn't a deal-breaker, but it can be aggravating if you're having trouble with your site and need it fixed right away.

Renewal Fees Can be Expensive

This isn't exclusive to HostGator; rather, it seems to be standard practice around the industry. The prices for hosting packages are extremely low when you first sign up. Furthermore, the longer you sign up for hosting, the lower your rates would be overall. However, these rates will rise over time, normally after the first term is completed. This is referred to as "promotional pricing." Typically, only the first term will be at the low advertised rate, and when it is time to renew, you will find that the renewal rate has increased.

The Website Builder is Overpriced (Depending on Your Needs)

A free website builder is a useful tool, but if you want to do more than create a simple couple of page websites, you'll quickly reach its limits. Upgrade to one of the paid plans if you want to create a big, feature-rich site.

When you add this to the cost of your hosting, you will be paying more every month than you want just to keep your site up and running. However, you should think about building your site with WordPress. You can create a strong and feature-rich site on a shoestring budget.

Hostgator Hosting Packages

HostGator has a wide range of hosting plans to meet almost every website owner's needs. From those who are just getting started online to those who run well-established, high-traffic websites, there is something for everyone.

You'll find all the details you need to make the best decision by looking at the various hosting choices and plans available.

There are numerous hosting options available, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, cloud hosting, dedicated server hosting, WordPress cloud hosting, and reseller hosting.

You'll be able to find the best hosting package for you regardless of your budget or website requirements. Here's a thorough rundown of each of HostGator's latest hosting plans:

Shared Web Hosting Plans for Every User

Most people would find that shared hosting is the best option for their needs. A simple shared hosting package would suffice for the majority of website owners. It's the most popular starting point for any newcomer to the internet. There are currently three different shared hosting plans available, all of which have extremely low introductory rates. The following is a breakdown of each shared hosting kit, as well as the type of user each package is ideally suited for:

Hatchling Plan – From $2.75 per month

The Hatchling Plan is ideal for those who are just getting started with their website or blog.

This is the hosting package to get if you've never created a website before and are searching for the most affordable option. This package includes a single domain name, a shared SSL certificate (for increased site security), unlimited website bandwidth, one-click installation, and a few other useful features. Here's how the Hatchling's price is broken down:

Pricing for this plan are:

  • $10.95 per month for a monthly subscription (month to month payment plan)
  • $5.95 per month for a one-year subscription
  • $3.58 a month for a two-year subscription
  • $2.75 a month for a 3-year subscription.
The longer you pay for hosting upfront, the lower your monthly rate would be, just as with other hosting plans.

Baby Plan – From $5.95 per month

The Baby plan is a significant advancement over the Hatchling plan. For one major reason, this is one of their most common hosting plans. There are no limitations on the number of domains that can be used. So, if you want to start a new website, all you have to do is add it to your control panel.

This gives you a lot of independence and versatility. You'll have access to all of the Hatchling plan's functionality as well. The Baby plan takes it to the next level, with limitless domain names, FTP accounts, and a mutual SSL certificate.

Here’s how the pricing breaks down:

  • $11.95 per month for a monthly subscription (month to month payment plan)
  • $8.95 per month for a one-year subscription
  • $6.95 a month for a two-year subscription
  • $5.95 a month for a 3-year subscription.

Business Plan – From $5.95 per month – Ideal For Small Business

The Business Plan is the final shared hosting plan available. This strategy is ideal for small to medium-sized companies that want to take their online presence seriously. It comes with a slew of features that will help you improve your website's security while also enhancing your search engine rankings.

A private SSL license, FTP accounts, a dedicated IP address, a toll-free business phone number, and bundled SEO tools are all included.

Pricing for this plan are:

$16.95 per month for a monthly subscription (month to month payment plan)
$8.95 per month for a one-year subscription
$6.95 a month for a two-year subscription
$5.95 a month for a 3-year subscription.

Cloud Hosting Plans – From $4.95 per month

HostGator's cloud hosting services are just slightly more costly than shared hosting plans. As a result, a higher quality of hosting is now available to a wider range of website owners. Cloud hosting comes with a slew of additional advantages right out of the gate. The majority of website owners will not need this level of hosting and will be best served by a simple shared hosting package. Cloud hosting, on the other hand, is worth considering if your platform is rapidly increasing or you have scalability traffic requirements.

You are not limited by the constraints of a single physical server when using cloud hosting. Instead, you're depending on a server cluster, which is a network of linked servers. This makes scaling your resource consumption up and down a breeze. So, whether your site is rapidly increasing or you have volatile traffic months, cloud hosting will help you meet these demands effectively. You still have the advantage of near-perfect uptime. It's very simple to transfer your site to another server on the network if one of your servers has a hardware problem.

The cloud storage plans have all that the shared hosting plans do, plus a few extras. Cloud hosting provides more than four times the server capacity of shared hosting, as well as twice the speed. You'll also have access to a performance dashboard in cPanel, which will help you manage your website and server more effectively.

Here’s how much cloud hosting will cost you per month:

  • $4.95 per month for a monthly subscription to the Hatchling Cloud plan
  • $6.57 per month for a monthly subscription to the Baby Cloud plan
  • $9.95 per month for a 3-year subscription to the Business Cloud plan

Optimized WordPress Hosting – From $5.95 per month

If you have a WordPress account, you're probably searching for a host who can assist you in getting the best out of it. You can probably get away with using a regular shared hosting plan if your site is tiny. However, as your WordPress site grows, you'll need a hosting package that can keep up with it while also enhancing things like site efficiency and security.

HostGator provides a full-featured managed WordPress hosting solution. Thousands of WordPress pages are hosted on their servers all over the world. The following are some of the most useful features:
  • Exceptionally high speeds, 2.5 times faster than shared hosting.
  • For high levels of reliability and scalability, a scalable cloud hosting backend is needed.
  • The included portal makes managing your website, email, files and databases a breeze.
  • Security features include regular malware and spyware scans, WordPress-specific security features, and automatic backups in case you need to restore your website.
  • A dedicated support team available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with real-time phone support.
It would be difficult to find a better offer on a WordPress-specific hosting environment if you have a growing WordPress account. Here's a closer look at each of the WordPress hosting options:

Starter Plan

If you only have one WordPress platform with a moderate amount of traffic, the Starter Plan is ideal. It can comfortably handle WordPress sites with up to 25,000 monthly users. Not only that, but you'll get up to 1GB of storage space only for website backups, as well as 50GB for website files. This plan might be a good fit if you already have a decent-sized WordPress blog and just want to create one account.

Here’s the pricing for the Starter plan:

  • $14.95 per month for a monthly subscription
  • $7.95 per month for a yearly subscription
  • $5.59 per month for a 36-month subscription

Standard Plan

The Standard Plan is likely their most common WordPress hosting option. It's just a little more expensive, but you'll get the opportunity to host two WordPress sites and handle up to 200K monthly visitors. This is a fantastic idea to look at if your platform is rapidly rising or if you're already running two WordPress pages.

Here’s the pricing for the Standard plan:

  • $20.95 per month for a monthly subscription
  • $9.95 per month for a 12-month subscription
  • $7.95 per month for a 36-month subscription

Business Plan

The Business Plan is the final WordPress hosting choice. If you're running three separate WordPress websites, this strategy is ideal. You'll also be able to accommodate traffic volumes of up to 300,000 monthly visitors.

You'll be able to store up to 3GB of website files in terms of website backups. In addition, you'll have an unlimited capacity for your website's files and content overall. If your websites are very big, this can be quite useful.

Here’s the pricing for the Business plan:

  • $27.95 per month for a monthly subscription
  • $11.95 per month for a 12-month subscription
  • $9.95 per month for a 36-month subscription

Virtual Private Servers (VPS) – From $29.95 per month

VPS hosting is an excellent option for those who have outgrown shared hosting but are not yet ready to move to a dedicated server. VPS hosting makes use of server virtualization technologies to build a dedicated server environment at a fraction of the cost.

If you need to help with higher or scaling traffic levels but don't want to pay the higher monthly fees associated with a dedicated server, VPS hosting is a great option.

VPS hosting also provides you with improved efficiency, storage, and security, as well as the ability to scale your hosting resources quickly. If your site's traffic continues to increase, this can be extremely beneficial.

Here’s how the three different HostGator VPS plans break down:

Snappy 2000

The Snappy 2000 plan includes 2GB of RAM, a dual-core CPU, 120GB of storage, and 1.5TB of bandwidth. Additionally, you will have complete root server access, weekly offsite backups, multiple layers of protection, website creation tools, thousands of website templates, a script installer, and much more.

The pricing for the Snappy 2000 plan with cPanel is:

$29.95 per month for a 3-year subscription
$39.95 per month for a 2-year subscription
$49.95 per month for a 1-year subscription
$89.95 per month for a monthly subscription

The pricing for this plan without cPanel is:

$19.95 per month for a 3-year subscription
$29.95 per month for a 2-year subscription
$39.95 per month for a 1-year subscription
$79.95 per month for a monthly subscription

Snappy 4000

The Snappy 4000 plan comes with 4GB of RAM, a 2-core CPU, 165GB of storage, and 2TB of bandwidth. You'll also have access to all of the features included in the Snappy 2000 package.

The pricing for the Snappy 4000 plan with cPanel is:

$129.95 per month for a monthly subscription
$59.95 per month for a 1-year subscription
$49.96 per month for a 2-year subscription
$39.95 per month for a 3-year subscription

The pricing for this plan without cPanel is:

$29.95 per month for a 3-year subscription
$39.96 per month for a 2-year subscription
$49.95 per month for a 1-year subscription
$119.95 per month for a monthly subscription

Snappy 8000

The Snappy 8000 plan includes 8GB of RAM, a quad-core CPU, 240GB of storage, and 3TB of bandwidth. In addition, you'll have access to all of the Snappy 4000 plan's functionality.

The pricing for the plan Snappy 8000 with cPanel is:

$49.95 per month for a 3-year subscription
$59.95 per month for a 2-year subscription
$69.95 per month for a 1-year subscription
$159.95 per month for a monthly subscription

The pricing for this plan without cPanel is:

$39.95 per month for a 3-year subscription
$49.95 per month for a 2-year subscription
$59.95 per month for a 1-year subscription
$149.95 per month for a monthly subscription

Dedicated Servers Hosting Plans – From $119 per month

Dedicated server hosting is one of the most costly forms of web hosting. However, the higher monthly payments grant you access to an entire physical server, allowing you to do whatever you want about it.

To fully optimize your server setup, dedicated hosting typically necessitates a higher degree of technical proficiency, but if you're at the point where

This type of hosting is more specialized, as most websites would never develop large enough to need their own dedicated server.

However, if your site is big enough (and you have the technological resources to sustain and manage a dedicated server), this hosting option offers several advantages. For example, you'll get lightning-fast efficiency, unrivaled protection, virtually limitless server customization, and a massive amount of storage.

HostGator's dedicated server plans are well-known for their dependability and performance. You can also switch between Linux and Windows for your server's operating system. Not only that, but you can use the cPanel web application to control your server environment.

You can also choose between a completely managed and a partially managed hosting environment.

Here's how the different HostGator dedicated server proposals compare:

👉 Also, you can read: HostGator Review

Value Dedicated Server

The Value Server plan comes with a 4 Core 8 Thread Intel Xeon-D CPU, 8GB of RAM, 1TB HDD, unmetered bandwidth, and the option of running Linux or Windows. You also get cutting-edge DDOS security, an IP-based firewall, server monitoring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and advanced server management software.
This plan starts at $119.00 per month.

Power Dedicated Server

The Power Server plan includes an Intel Xeon-D CPU with 8 cores and 16 threads, 16GB of RAM, a 2TB HDD or 512GB SSD, unmetered bandwidth, and your choice of Linux or Windows operating systems. You will have access to all of the features of the Value server plan.

Enterprise Dedicated Server

The Enterprise Server plan comes with an 8-core, 16-thread Intel Xeon-D processor, 16GB of RAM, a 2TB HDD or 512GB SSD, unmetered bandwidth, and the option of running Linux or Windows. You will have access to all of the features of the Power server plan.

Additional Forms Of Hosting From Hostgator

The hosting plans listed above are some of their most common options. There are, however, other forms of hosting that you might find useful.

You would want to be able to provide hosting as a service if you're a web developer who builds and maintains client websites. The same goes for all other technology freelancers or agencies.

Here are the proposals for reseller hosting, application hosting, and Windows hosting:

Reseller Hosting Plans

Reseller hosting is a perfect way to provide hosting as an add-on feature to your existing website. Reseller plans are designed to help you make money while still making you appear to be a legitimate hosting company. This without having to handle any servers on a physical level.

If you already use HostGator to host your own website, it's only natural to recommend HostGator Reseller hosting to your clients.

Aluminum is a metal that has a lot of This package comes with 60 GB of disk space, 600 GB of bandwidth, unrestricted domain names, and a free SSL certificate. This package begins at $19.95 per month.

Copper is a metal that has a lot of This plan comes with 90GB of disk space, 900GB of bandwidth, unrestricted domain names, and a free SSL certificate. This package begins at $24.95 per month.

Silver is a precious metal. This plan comes with 140GB of disk space, 1400GB of bandwidth, unrestricted domain names, and a free SSL certificate. This package also begins at $24.95 a month.

Overall, the reseller package you choose will be determined by the number of different websites you need to host as well as the overall size of the websites you're hosting. You can always upgrade to a higher level plan if your reseller hosting needs to continue to expand.

Application Hosting

You can install hundreds of different applications on your server with HostGator. WordPress is probably the most common, but there are a plethora of other useful apps as well.

Furthermore, all of the applications available can be installed with a single click. Simply choose your application of choice and let the bundled program update it for you easily.

Here are some of the most popular applications offered by HostGator:

  • WordPress is a content management system. You can quickly and easily build anything from simple blogs to large content pages using the WordPress CMS.
  • Joomla is a content management system. Joomla is another common CMS that can be tailored to your preferences. A number of plugins are also available for simple website customizations.
  • Drupal is a content management system. Drupal is another popular CMS that allows you to customize and control your site to a high degree. There are hundreds of different themes and plugins to choose from as well.
  • Magento is a web application that allows you to sell Magento is a robust e-commerce platform. You'll get everything you need to start your own eCommerce store with this plan.
  • Wikimedia Commons. This application allows you to create a Wikipedia-style website. It comes with a number of different wiki software options to choose from.

Windows Hosting

HostGator has you covered if you need a Windows hosting solution. While Linux is the most popular operating system for hosting, some website owners will need Windows in order for their sites to function properly.

The Parallels Plesk Panel, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, and IIS are all included in HostGator's Windows hosting packages (Internet Information Services). There is also a slew of other Windows-specific hosting options available to help you get the most out of your server and website.

Personal plans begin at $4.76 per month, while Enterprise plans begin at $14.36 per month.

Overall Features From Hostgator

You'll find that whatever hosting package you choose is jam-packed with functionality.

The most popular features offered by HostGator are mentioned below. Others will come standard with the hosting package you choose, while others will be extra tools and features.

Hosting Options for Every Website

As you can see, HostGator provides a wide range of hosting plans to fit the needs of almost every kind of website owner. This means that no matter how big or what kind of site you're creating, you'll be assisted every step of the way.

Their shared hosting service is their most successful product, and they understand what customers at this stage need. Plus, you can quickly scale up to a different provider as your site expands with plans like VPS, cloud, and even WordPress-specific hosting.

A Ton of Cool Add-Ons

When you sign up for a HostGator hosting contract, you get a lot more than just a server where your website's files are stored. For example, you'll get unlimited storage and bandwidth, as well as access to an intuitive website builder and free website migration.

Not to mention links to hundreds of different applications, such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and others, that you can install on your blog.

In addition, when you sign up for a hosting account, you will receive a $100 Google Adwords credit that you can use to advertise your website.

Solid Money-Back Guarantees

You'll get a 45-day money-back guarantee regardless of the hosting plan you select. If you're on the fence about using this service, you'll have plenty of time to try it out thanks to this guarantee. However, in order to receive your refund, you must adhere to the terms of service.

Another fantastic promise is the 99.9% uptime guarantee. This means your website will be accessible 99.9% of the time. Your site will usually only be unavailable while it is undergoing scheduled maintenance. Consider upgrading to one of the more costly hosting packages if you need perfect timing.

Useful Control Panels

Almost every HostGator hosting package includes access to the user-friendly and efficient cPanel app. This makes managing the web and server environment a breeze.

You'll have access to the Plesk control panel if you're using Windows. This will help with email and website management, server setup, and software installation, among other things.

With HostGator's security measures, your sensitive data is secure. It has a powerful firewall to protect against viruses and DDoS attacks. It offers network-level security in the event of UPD flooding. As a result, their servers are extremely stable against almost any form of attack.

Security Features From Hostgator

HostGator offers a number of security features to help protect your server and keep your website safe.

Here's a rundown of the most important security features:

Strong Firewall

To help defend against a wide range of attacks, including DDoS attacks, HostGator servers are protected by very powerful custom firewalls. In addition, the server facility is protected by physical data center security protocols.

Regular Website Scans

Daily malware and security scans are included when you sign up for a hosting account. The free scan will not scan your entire website or provide you with a way to uninstall any viruses or pathogens, but it will provide you with a report and warning that will enable you to take more action.

If you want to increase the frequency and depth of your daily security scans, you can upgrade to a higher version of SiteLock.

Security PIN Creation

You'll create your own security PIN when you create a HostGator account. When you contact support, this will be used to check your identity. This will help prevent your account from falling into the wrong hands, and no one will be able to make account requests without your permission.

Bundled SSL Certificates

An SSL certificate is included with every HostGator plan. Any traffic that passes between the website and the server will be encrypted if you have an SSL certificate enabled on your site. You can either upgrade your hosting plan or the SSL certificate during checkout if you need a higher-level SSL certificate.

Additional Tools From Hostgator

Aside from the items listed above, there are a number of excellent tools and resources available to assist you in developing and launching your website.

Hostgator Website Builder

You'll be able to use the HostGator website builder for free for most plans. Sign up for a higher level plan if you want access to even more design features and functions.

The website builder is extremely simple to use and will allow you to create a website in no time. It includes over 100 mobile-friendly models that you can customize using the drag-and-drop builder. It also includes pre-built website parts from which you can choose to expedite the design process.

This website builder also comes with a slew of other useful features, including:

  • Built-in SEO tools
  • Google analytics linking
  • eCommerce functionality
  • PayPal integration
  • Social media integration
  • And more

Domain Name Management

HostGator is more than just a hosting company; it can also act as your domain name registrar. After all, if you want a live website on the internet, you'll need both a web host and a domain name.

When you get to the Domains tab, you can use the search tool to see if your domain name is open. If you've been using a different domain registrar, you can also switch your domain name to Hostgator.

With their domain name management tools, you’ll also find useful features like:

  • Renewal of domain names is done automatically. You'll never forget to renew your domain name again with automatic domain renewal.
  • Domain name management is easy. You can handle all aspects of your domain name quickly and easily with the intuitive cPanel.
  • Features for domain locking. Once allowed, this function will help you avoid losing your domain name by mistake. Alternatively, it may expire and be purchased by someone else.

Premium Services From Hostgator

You can choose from a number of premium add-ons to add to your hosting plan at the time of sign-up or later. Some are utilities, and others, such as CodeGuard and SiteLock, are applications that will secure your website.

Here are some of the most popular HostGator premium options:


CodeGuard is a backup feature that you can add to your hosting plan. It backs up your site automatically and monitors it on a regular basis, alerting you if any changes are made that you don't like. If the need arises, you can also easily restore your site from a previous backup.


SiteLock is a website monitoring service that will keep an eye on your website and protect it from hackers. This is available as an add-on to your hosting kit. You'll also get warnings if your website has been hacked, as well as help repairing and improving your site's security.

Web Design Service

Why not use the HostGator team if you want to employ a professional to design your site? They have a team of website designers who can create a high-quality website prototype for you, as well as a few pages of content to get you started.

Your website will be built on the WordPress platform, which means you'll be able to customize and expand it for years.

SEO Review Service

You will improve your site's search engine ranking by implementing an SEO strategy. You can actually contact their team for a free SEO consultation if you want to get off on the right foot.

If you plan to proceed, they'll assist you in putting together a strategy that involves on-site optimization, keyword analysis, and content development.

PPC Service

Consider their Pay-Per-Click advertisement service if you're trying to boost revenue through paid advertising. This is a great place to start if you have money to invest in your website.

Working with their team will assist you in developing a keyword list of various keywords to target in your advertisement campaigns. They'll also monitor your promotions, assist with ad development, and do all they can to improve the success of your advertising.

Hostgator Hosting FAQs

Even with all of the above material, you can still have some questions. Some of the most frequently asked questions about HostGator hosting packages are as follows:

Is HostGator easy to use?

Yes, HostGator makes it a point to make their service very user-friendly. All are extremely easy, from signing up for a hosting plan to adding a domain name, downloading a CMS, and using the site builder. You'll be able to understand anything you need to know even though you've never created a website before. In addition, if you get lost, there are a plethora of tutorials available.

Can I get a free domain name?

Normally, no. However, you could come across a deal where you can get a free domain name when you sign up for hosting. When you sign up for hosting, you will add a domain to your order, which makes the process of getting your site online far easier.

Does HostGator offer a money back guarantee?

Yes, there is a 45-day money-back guarantee available right now. You are entitled to a refund as long as you follow the terms of service. This refund cycle is one of the most generous that a hosting company can have. In most cases, refund periods are no more than 30 days.

Will Hostgator migrate my site for free?

Yes, indeed. If you turn to HostGator as your hosting service, they will fully free migrate your site. This is a fantastic function because it is fully automated. So, if the idea of all the technical steps involved in a site migration makes you nervous, don't be. HostGator is on your side.

How do SSL certificates work?

SSL is rapidly becoming a necessity. You'll get a free SSL certificate when you sign up for a HostGator hosting plan. Depending on the plan you buy, the SSL certificate standard can vary.

Will my site be backed up?

Yes, you can backup your site using cPanel at any time. These backups, however, are limited in reach. It's a safe idea to use a third-party provider or try Codeguard if you're serious about backing up your site.

Do I Recommend Hostgator?

Hell yes I do!

HostGator has a wide range of hosting options, bundles, and software to accommodate almost every kind of website owner. Regardless of your current qualifications, budget, or standards. Plus, you can rely on Hostgator when you need it the most, thanks to its excellent support, dependability, and security emphasis.

No host is flawless, and HostGator isn't exempt from flaws. However, HostGator has a habit of getting the important features correct. That's probably why it's still one of the most popular hosting services on the planet.

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