
Friday, April 23, 2021

HostGator Website Builder Review


HostGator is best known for its web hosting services, but they've recently chosen to launch their own website creator, the Gator.

Gator was founded with the goal of allowing people with very little technical experience to create their own websites without having to employ professionals and spend a lot of money on their services.

With the HostGator website builder, you simply select a template and drag and drop blocks into place. It also has a range of plugins, but we'll find out if they're useful in this HostGator website builder analysis.

HostGator Website Builder Review: What Awaits

Gator is a new website builder with a fantastic user interface and excellent customer service that will walk you through the process of creating a website. It has all of the features you'll need for a fully functional website, and you can use it to develop a quick and dependable site. For larger businesses, however, it lacks current models and built-in marketing.


  • Great Usability and Customer Support
  • Variety of Layouts
  • Every Primary Feature On the Spot


  • No Built-in Email Marketing
  • Plain Themes

Table of Contents

HostGator Website Builder Review: Introduction 2. HostGator Website Builder Review: Pros 2.1. Usability - 10/10 2.2. Templates Based on Categories 2.3. All Fundamental Features 2.4. Good Speed and Uptime 2.5. 24/7 Live Support 3. HostGator Website Builder Review: Cons 3.1. Not the Most Modern Templates 3.2. No Built-in Email Marketing 4. What is HostGator Website Builder Pricing? 5. Conclusions

HostGator Website Builder Review: Introduction

Our view of website construction has completely changed after website builders entered the business. And people with only rudimentary digital skills can now find a website builder that helps them to quickly create a website.

Website builders have numerous benefits; here are some of them:

  • To build a sleek and attractive site, you don't need to employ a website designer or graphic designer.
  • You save a lot of money.
  • You'll save a lot of time and effort.
  • Building a website by dragging and dropping appropriate segments is a lot of fun.
I assume you are familiar with Gator because of the HostGator hosting services, which were established in 2002, 17 years ago! It's an interesting fact. Brent Oxley started HostGator in his dorm room at Florida Atlantic University, and it has since grown exponentially. Continue reading to learn more about HostGator's website builder platform.

HostGator Website Builder Review: Pros

Before we go any further, I want to make sure you understand every important feature of the Gator website creator. So, let's start with the advantages of the HostGator website builder.

Usability - 10/10

Since you choose website builders for their usability in the first place, it's critical that they live up to your expectations. Gator website builder is certainly up to the task. Signing up is the first step in creating your website. After that, you choose a template/theme and proceed. Since the templates are divided into categories based on the industry, it's easy to find one that you want (I will talk about it more in the further section).

Furthermore, Gator, like other website builders, is a drag-and-drop editor, which makes designing or constructing a website a breeze. And, if you get stuck at any point, I suggest watching their tutorial, which will teach you everything you need to know about the HostGator website builder's features and how to use them.

Even, if you want to add or delete text, it's simple to do so. With HostGator, changing texts and resizing fonts is easy. I should also mention that, according to HostGator website builder feedback, users found it to be very user-friendly and enjoyed the overall experience. But now let's take a step forward to clarify some other points.

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Templates Based on Categories

I stated earlier in this HostGator website builder review that you can easily choose the right template by selecting the required category, but what other options do you have?

Almost every current business is available to you. I believe that HostGator has something for everyone; take a look at some of the categories here:

  • Beauty & Fashion Blog Architecture & Real Estate
  • Consultant & Company
  • Technology & Computers
  • Trade & Construction
  • Design and Creativity
  • Travel & Hotels
  • way of life
  • Entertainment & Music
  • And so forth...

As you can see, these are only a few of the many options available, but I think you agree with me that there are many more to consider. If you're interested in the design of the models, you can learn more about them in the HostGator website builder analysis.

All Fundamental Features

Website builder design and usability aren't the only factors to consider, but I believe website builder features are even more important. After all, what good is a beautiful website if it doesn't work properly? But have no fear, Gator website builder has all of the essential features. They are as follows:

  • Unlimited Pages, Storage, and Bandwidth - Regardless of the package you chose, you will have unlimited pages, storage, and bandwidth. As a result, it's ideal for those who need a lot of visuals, such as designers and architects.
  • SSL is a security certificate that ensures users can securely visit your website. Given the importance of protection in today's world, SSL can never be overlooked.
  • Analytics is something that no website can be without. Website analytics will assist you in keeping track of your visitors. So, after making minor or major adjustments, you can monitor how your users react and adjust your content or design accordingly. This way, you'll be able to figure out what works best for your business.
  • Domain - Given HostGator's reputation for hosting, it's no surprise that they offer the opportunity to buy a domain on their website. It's great because you won't have to search for a domain somewhere else.
  • Web-Friendly - regardless of which design you use, all of them are mobile-friendly, which ensures that your site would be used not only on a computer but also on a mobile device.
  • Social Media Integration - If you expect social media to play a significant role on your website, you'll need to integrate it. You can use the HostGator website creator to embed content from social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
  • eCommerce is more of a strategy than a function, but it's important to include it in this HostGator website builder analysis. You can build your own shop with features like inventory management, shipping and tax calculators, and coupons if you select the eCommerce plan.

As you can see, Gator ensures that you can create a completely functioning website with all of the functionality you need.

Good Speed and Uptime

If I had to choose one of the website metrics that are most important to me, it would be the pace and uptime. Despite the fact that many reviews do not include these metrics, I believe they are important and will help you determine whether or not you can build a fully functional site using this platform.

Without further ado, here are the findings from my research of a Gator-powered website:

  • TTFB - 67.8 milliseconds in New York, 376.2 milliseconds in San Francisco. This metric shows how long a server takes to answer.
  • 1.63 seconds to load It displays the time it takes for your website to completely load. The tested website is very simple, but if you add a lot of photos, your site's speed will suffer.
  • Uptime is 99.98%, which is comparable to the majority of other website builders. It means that 0.02 percent of the time, your website will be unavailable.

As you can see, the outcomes are very impressive. As a result, you can rely on HostGator to provide high-quality services.

24/7 Live Support

HostGator help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and you can reach them by phone, chat, or email. Additionally, you can still seek assistance from their Support Center, but you can only receive answers to very basic questions.

Even if you rarely contact customer service, when you're building or maintaining a website on your own, you may have specific questions or run into problems that you can't solve on your own, which is when HostGator support is needed.

The Starter package is the only one that does not provide priority support; but, if you select the Premium or eCommerce plans, you can receive assistance much sooner than normal.

As a result, one thing is certain: if you get into trouble, HostGator help will come to your rescue.

HostGator Website Builder Review: Cons

The first section of the HostGator website builder analysis is straightforward, but now it's time to investigate the Gator's shortcomings. Isn't it true that we all have them?

Not the Most Modern Templates

In this HostGator website builder analysis, we discussed templates previously. So, you're already aware that Gator offers templates based on categories, making it simple to find the best choice. But, alas, not everything is perfect. Some users considered their HostGator website builder themes to be very simple and plain, according to HostGator website builder feedback. They lack more modern-looking models as well as customization when compared to other website builders.

So, even though there are over 200 themes to choose from, the number remains just that. As a result, HostGator may not be the best choice for those who want their websites to look elegant and sleek. They can, however, work well for basic sites like blogs.

👉 Also, you can read : Gator Website Builder review

No Built-in Email Marketing

The most effective tool for reaching your audience is email marketing, but what about HostGator? The HostGator website designer does not have built-in email marketing, which is one of the main reasons it is not suitable for larger businesses. Imagine having to deliver a letter to thousands of people without being able to do it all at once.

What is HostGator Website Builder Pricing?

Now that all is clear, you're probably curious about the cost of the HostGator website creator. That's exactly what I was thinking. First and foremost, take a look at HostGator's three separate plans:
  • Starter - Starting at $3.84 USD per month
  • Premium - starting at $5.99 USD per month
  • eCommerce - starting at $9.22 USD per month

Please keep in mind that these are the starting rates, and they only apply to those who sign up for the Gator website builder for two years. If you sign up for a year and a month, the plans are slightly more costly. Now, because this is a HostGator website builder analysis, let's take a closer look at each of the plans.

You get unlimited pages, storage, and bandwidth with each of the plans. It also includes a free 12-month domain name registration and $200 USD in ad vouchers. Other features, on the other hand, vary between the proposals.

If you choose a Premium plan, you'll get priority support; if you choose an eCommerce plan, you'll get features like inventory management, shipping, and tax calculators, and discounts, which are all essential for setting up and running an online store.

As compared to other website builders such as Wix, Squarespace, and Shopify, Gator is the most affordable. However, it's understandable given that Gator isn't as up-to-date as other website builders and offers fewer features.

Here is The Best HostGator Offer I Found:


As a result, HostGator offers a simple website builder that includes all of the requisite resources. It has a wide range of templates, a fast website, high uptime, and the ability to incorporate social media. Gator designs, on the other hand, aren't as cutting-edge as you'd anticipate in 2021, and it's not the best choice for larger businesses due to the lack of built-in email marketing.

Do I recommend Gator website builder?

Yes and no, respectively. I agree that Gator has all of the required features and is reasonably priced, but it may not be enough for those of you who want a modern-looking website and want to grow your company. As a result, you must determine if it is suitable for your requirements.

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